Living In The Cloud As A Developer
As tech users, we live much more in the cloud than we think we have stuff all over the place. As we move on to a new decade, we passed the concept of local storage in our devices. The local storage on our devices started to serve large hard caches of our stuff. Our things consist of photos (which we produce most of them on our mobile devices now), documents we write or any other apps that are backed up by OS like iOS, Android that are already protected by automated backups to your cloud accounts.
So the digital work environment became very portable. And as the hardware advances, our need for powerful machines is moving to the streaming services even in hardware-intensive cases like gaming…
As developers, most of us don’t require very powerful machines to work with. Although there are exceptions like people doing development with crosses with gaming, 3d, video, production… But most of the engineers already work in teams that are heavily utilizing cloud services that are connected in a harmonious way to build our code remotely.
So our local development environments now are functions for comfort more than a requirement. I personally faced and forced myself to be in the “on the go” situation with experimenting to live on my iPad as a primary machine multiple times. Seeing all I need is a comfortable portable machine that can handle basic remote connectivity (like SSH, RDP…) and have some tools that we use for navigating our codebase and run our local development set up. Even the local development set up can be located in a remote instance and have access to the instance with many tools that make it feel like you are working on your local machine.
All these require a high level of connectivity. But we also work with tools most often than not requires connectivity. Regardless of the hardware, we carry is a high performing machine or not, our tools and workflow involve more around connectivity than the speed or capabilities of our local environment.
I also started to see a lot of web-based tools that are very close or in some cases unnoticeably good mimicking the native tools we use, like web-based IDEs that are now being integrated to github/gitlab that provides the comfort of a customized set up.
Judging by the majority of the engineering teams that utilize continuous development pipelines, these pipelines dictate how connected and collaborative our workflow has to be. This is the main reason every new addition or tweak in a generally accepted development journey now is connected and in the clouds.
This article is first published in my blog: